Espresseaux Italiano : From the Lab

This espresso blend has been a work in progress for some time. The brainchild of Chris, who revels in excellent espresso and believes in keeping tradition alive.  He has primarily been keeping to himself in the espresso lab, patiently waiting to kick off the comeback of the traditional Italian espresso. While we arent trying to make this the “New Classic” and we certainly aren’t trying to emulate the coffee of the average street espresso vendor in Italy, we are offering the classic Italian espresso with the benefit of single sourced coffees. While this roast is on the lighter side of what you would envision as espresso (Euro-Style or the scorched earth brought to you by the large coffee corporations) while holding true to the regional locals and parameters of the traditional blend. What we ended up with was a balanced espresso, not too sweet and not too bold, that will produce an extraordinary crema. This thing just explodes in your face, balanced bittersweet notes, thick and opaque body, almond and chocolate roast flavors, hints of peach tea, spice, jasmine. Truly a gioia di vivere!


Below is something new that I am trying out to help demonstrate the flavor profiles of the blend based on our cupping scores.

Currently Available In The Store

[TASTE:Espresseaux Italiano:8.5,9,7.5,9,9,7.5,7,7.5,8.5]


1 thoughts on “Espresseaux Italiano : From the Lab

  1. John Banks says:

    I had the opportunity to taste this before it’s release, and let me tell you, this was the best espresso that I have had in a very long time. I have had espresso in Seattle, LA, NY, etc. and I was blown away by the taste of this, and its in my own back yard! I am so very happy that you guys are here and doing what you do!

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